Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Bringing It All Home Part I
Exactly how much is $780 billion dollars? Can you understand that figure? If you want some perspective as to how much money is being bandied about, take a look at this comparative chart:
Expense, Cost, = Cost Today Adjusted to Inflation
Louisiana Purchase $15 million = $217 billion
Race to the Moon $36.4 billion = $237 billion
S&L Crisis $153 billion = $256 billion
Korean War $54 billion = $454 billion
The New Deal $32 billion (est) = $500 billion (est)
War in Iraq $551 billion = $597 billion
Vietnam War $111 billion = $698 billion
NASA (Cumulative) $416.7 billion = $851.2 billion
WORLD WAR II $288 billion = $3.6 trillion
The very agencies that collect and spend our money, namely the government, don't feel that they have to account for it themselves while they demand that everyone else account for their earnings via the income tax. Amazing isn't it? Well, where did the current $780 billion go? Can you name what it was spent on? Where will it take us?
Congress, in their rush to spend the money we don't have to fix the economy only created a bigger chaos and a deeper problem; but don't take my word for it, wait for the layoffs, because the only accounting that is for certain is that your government invested in bad debt and they don't have a clue if and when it will be paid back. Yet, nevertheless, you are stuck with the bill.
Congratulations Americans, you've been duped.
Thanks for reading.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Total Disconnect
Mayor Newsom is the one that totally ignored law and his pledge to uphold it, by allowing gay marriages in the city without voter approval, saying we're doing it "like it or not", is currently running for Governor.
Arnold Schwartzenegger declaring California to become the first and largest electric vehicle supporter effectively forcing Californians toward that goal (like it or not to borrow a phrase from Gavin Newsom). Electric grids in the state can't keep up with current electric usage requiring rolling blackouts during the warmest days of the year; and we're not even considering the cost of "plugging in" a vehicle with currently rising electric prices, another 20% increase hitting us as we speak.
Ditto governor, declaring that California will abide by the Kyoto protocol (like it or not) indebting an already indebted state and then asking the feds to help it with loans.
Local news media and the ruling Democratic Party is blaming the Republicans in the California legislature for being late with a budget plan. The Democrats have had a majority stronghold on the Californian legislature for the past 30 years succeeding in getting us further into debt in the last 3 years despite of record tax revenues collected during the same time. Somehow I wonder how a 2/3 majority can be held at bay by a 1/3 minority.
The Democrats in the California legislature ignoring constitution and trying to pass tax increases, calling them "fees" without the required 2/3 vote.
Lest we forget, Pelosi and company accepting the usual yearly Congressional pay increase while expecting to increase taxes on the rest of us. I guess there's no financial crisis in Congress.
When will we wake up?
I'm sure you can think of more, so add it in comments.. thanks
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Fair Warning
Relativism or more accurately Moral Relativism holds that no universal standard exists by which to assess an ethical proposition's truth. In moral relativism there are no absolute rights and wrongs.
Classical pluralism is the belief that politics and decision making is located mostly in the governmental framework, but many non-governmental groups are using their resources to exert influence. This is why we have lobby groups but the new President wishes to do away with them and replace it with online group lobbying addressed directly toward him on his site. So, could it be funneled through a single stream of communication censored at the whim of a single power? I doubt that many in Congress would go along with that single stream idea. I'm sure they would also wish for one for themselves and perhaps be able to hide the funneling of funds even more easily.
Ahh the Internet: equalizer and demoralizer and socializer and most of all homogenizer of us all but worst of all, the easiest way to spy on us all. I keep remembering the movie THX 1138 by George Lucas, when I think what the Internet can and will do especially when in agreement with philosophies for the many. Of course, when it becomes "free" to all in public places it will become: the better to watch and spy on you, my dear.
Currently we have embraced all of the above and are headed for regulations yet to be unveiled. When considering the great set up of tools left behind by the current administration it's dangerous. Even good tools in the wrong hands can do harm, like the EPA, but some of these are bad tools already: Ability of Government to intervene and regulate monetary policy for the USA is one thing but to intervene and regulate companies money profits and governing abilities is another. Ability of government to spy on suspected terrorism activities via the Patriot Act is OK when used by honest law abiding people, but what happens when socialists that only wish to "equalize" things get a hold of it's permissions. Governments lending a helping hand when disasters strike and when people need temporary assistance is one thing when those funds given are constant without limits and results demanded, it becomes a constant stream of dependence that keeps government powerful and the downtrodden down. One can't justify itself without the other so the dependence has to be kept streaming.
Give me some happy pills to swallow with this hope and change to come.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Is McCain's Loss Conservative's Gain?
That he was not a Republican or a Conservative came out loud and clear when he broke his own claim to be a entitlement watchdog as he assisted the Liberals and Democrats in endorsing and voting for the biggest entitlement program via the bailout package in history. I was actually surprised that the media did not clobber him with that one. The only reason why I think he was spared is because he was also the past darling of the media and his action on the bailout was very much in line with the Democrat wishes in Congress. Also perhaps because the media knew that given enough leeway, McCain would sabotage himself; and sabotage he did.
When many of the electorate does and did not know which party was in charge of Congress the last two years, whose fault is that? Who is not speaking up? Who is not educating? One can blame the media for a lot but not for everything. It is precisely because the harder battle is for the ones less publicized that Republicans need to start speaking up with more energy and they need to learn how to focus their communication to the future of the country, not rely solely on their past glories. It's bad enough that history is being rewritten to favor the liberals alarmingly fast, and that education in our schools have been suppressed, but that is exactly why education has to be taken up by the party and calling out the opposition should not be held at bay.
Every chance the Democrats had to debunk the Republicans they've used; McCain did not. The next candidates better learn fast if they are to have any leadership hopes. They need to be more energized and more communicative and more outspoken. They need to learn and be comfortable with the new media because they cannot and have not been able to rely on the old one. TV is almost pointless to rely on for them; the newspapers and magazines are almost dead, except for photographs. It's the radio and computer communications that are the most widely heard. Pod casting especially will be more popular.
So the question remains about whether Conservatives gain. What current politicians lack and lacked the past 6 years is the fact that they cannot bring into the foreground any youthful energy perhaps because they're afraid to let go. The instant energy that was created when McCain introduced Gov. Palin was an unmistakable signal that this is what the party needs and wants yet the message seems to be lost on the leadership. I can't believe that there isn't anyone in the House or the Senate with a younger and different voice that can and is willing to take the reigns but I seem to be wrong because they both re-elected the same leaders that have basically led them to losses in both houses. Not a great start for the future I'm afraid and it's too bad because this time in the next two years is when the greatest opportunity happens; when you have nothing to loose because you have lost it all. Will the Conservatives be able to recognize the opportunity?
Thanks for Reading
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Change, I Dare You!
That what we are doing is for the "global good" is and has been obvious of America. Yet, you've been told that we should be punished for numerous affronts to this world and the injustice we have supposedly done to the many who have fought for your freedom. It is scary that you feel guilty for what we haven't done, yet scarier still is that you are made to feel undeserving because of what we have built, shared and consumed. It perpetuates even further our lack of confidence allowing even more lies to be excused.
Obama was elected on such thoughts and I feel sorry for all those who bought into it because if ever there was a cause to be proud of, it's this one: We helped the Iraqi people into freedom, out of and from under a dictatorship that killed in the hundreds of thousands, in less than 1 year and helped them rebuild since then. That was under the leadership of Bush and that's faster and with far less casualties and costs endured than we have helped Germany, France, Belgium, Italy, England, Japan, Phillipines, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Austria, and the rest of the satellites of the Soviet Union.. Georgia and Ukraine, Latvia being amongst them; the countries of Yugoslavia, South Korea, Vietnam, Cuba, Somalia individually!!! There are so many more, but I think you get the point. Yes, I've included those we have yet to succeed with and yes, the ones also we were indirectly involved with because they are all deserving of our help. Because you, wonderful people you, who so willingly wish for the best, and follow hope and change, should not deny those that are also wishing for the same under terrible dictatorships. So it makes no sense to me that you think we should be out of Iraq until they are ready for us to leave.
Now, for most of you, I imagine that is not easily identified with and for you I'm glad. I'm glad because you have not suffered the horrors of a dictatorship.. yet. For those that have fought over there, however, I feel sad and glad. Sad because you can't relay to us the horrors that you've seen and glad because you have been assured under the current administration that you and your children are safe at home and don't have to witness such as you've seen. Yes, you have taken the horrors onto yourselves so we don't have to suffer such. Sound familiar? It should, because the veterans of WWII also did the same and because of them, you exist in a free society.
This society that so many of you are ready to forgo, to give up and of which you are ashamed only because you are ignorant of its history and of what people can do to and with each other, has done wonderous things for many. You believe the stories that the USA is horrible and does atrocious acts from the likes of Ayers and your late night entertainers yet you have been starved of the stories of such heroes as these because of a media with a negative USA agenda: http://www.onceamarine.com/
So I say unto you: You don't know half the truth and are ready to condemn us all. It's sad for the USA and it's sad for the World that from such ignorance so many will suffer.
Thank You Veterans and Thanks for Reading
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Is Conservatism Dead?
Where to from here, when most of the G20 nations are Socialist or Communist? Regulations upon regulations which will lead to more because once started, we can never regulate enough to encompass all? We all need a good lesson in free markets again because it works beautifully when left alone. Governments need to learn to keep hands off private business and financial institutions because when in a crisis it is revealed that they know nothing of how to run one, especially profitably. I hear some analysis that we are well on our way to owing 70% our GDP that means trillions that we'll pass onto the future and many criticized the cost in $$ of the Iraq war yet are well on board to all bailouts. It's insanity.
Governments should not regulate welfare via businesses and businesses should not lobby governments for favored status and regulation to save themselves the extra trouble of sticking with good business practices. Yes many corporations and banks will fail and for good reason: they did not keep to the fundamentals of good business. It's also true that many were too far interfered with by government wanting to administer welfare via the businesses. A trap that all businesses should remember when lobbying governments: somewhere both sides have to pay back. Debts have to be paid and unfortunately this time it was the entire world economy that is going to be left with the debt; yet no one is talking about less spending and less government.
Businesses that do not run themselves well should and will fail that is built into life; governments should be the same way as many are, via elections when and where elections are free. Try and mix it together and you have bureaucracies upon regulations upon more of the same forevermore, creating a convoluted, confused and miserable system which is certainly not fair to anyone except onto themselves.
Conservatism lets natural evolution weed out the bad from the good via attrition, whereas Socialism lets it all stew and mix allowing for more concealment and corruption.
Thanks for Reading
Thursday, November 6, 2008
What's In A Speech?
I have not heard a President before ask for the people to sacrifice themselves to a cause vaguely named; but I heard dictators do it. What I saw on the various faces in the audience was elated worship, and yes elated hope too and it was clear to me that these people would probably sacrifice themselves for him and that scared me rather than give me hope.
What has driven this nation to greatness and to great achievements was individual thinking, individual innovation and individual sacrifice and not a melding of people into one. Melding brings out the average, the mediocrity and a susceptibility to be controlled.
I have not heard a President speak before, about expanding his term so soon, nor have I heard one say that this Nation needed to meld into one mind before it can be "OK" again; a one people before we can present ourselves to the world again. What does that mean? Why does he say we're not "OK" the way we are? What does he want to "fix" in us and why do we think we need "fixing" I keep having more questions then answers whenever he speaks.
Obama is an excellent speaker and his delivery is well timed, soothing and engrossing almost to the point of hypnotism. But over many of his speeches I have been wondering what is his really talking about, what is he not saying, where is the specifics and substance? Is he talking: Socialism, Communism, Capitalism, Moral Relativism, Pluralism or is it Humanism? All need sacrifice from yourself or of yourself but not all lets you keep your: self.
One thing is for certain, there will be change because there always is change; so with that word he's saying the obvious and the inevitable and he always has. Question is will President Obama lead us to the kind of change we'll all embrace or we'll all regret, or both?
As I said, only more questions and no real direction yet; just hope and change and on that, he has so far, delivered.
Thanks for Reading.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Congratulations Americans: a Message and Observation
President Obama will also have an extra burden not experienced by other Presidents; besides representing the nation and its people, he will be also looked upon to represent black people to the world.
His attempts and successes will be largely dependent on a supporting or suppressing media. A couple of other African-Americans learned that the media does not necessarily favor on skin color. Both Gen. Colin Powell and Secretary of State Condeleeza Rice, by all definitions should have been given the same accolades that Barack Obama received for being first, yet they were ignored not only by the media but also by their own kind; the very same brother and sisterhood that Barack Obama brought together with pride.
As to our Nation, this too is about you. I'm glad that this Nation let go of its inhibitions to vote for a black American but I will let you all judge yourselves and your choices as time unfolds whether you chose the right man to lead this land,because he's first, a man; and voting for him because he's black does not encourage confidence in me.
I, for myself have hope, a hope that I am wrong about what is to unfold in the USA the next few years because I cannot rejoice about an election where the vision of "hope and change" pushed for a future of Socialist utopia. I will face it openly and with commentary as usual. I am forever an optimist so I doubt if my attitude will change about the good in us all. There are things that, when all is said and done, we have to leave up to the Universe to handle because the Universe, by its own nature and beyond our view, balances it all.
Thanks for reading.
Monday, November 3, 2008
It Was Ours To Lose
Democrats seem to discuss things in groups because they are more the social thinkers and they come more easily to a group agreement; the Republicans are more private individuals who tend to come to their own conclusions before engaging in discussion. Therefore, I believe it's easier to convince Democrats to follow; in other words, both parties each given a talented, charismatic, strong leader to follow, it would take longer for the Republicans to champion theirs.
By it's very definition of Democracy or Democratic means majority rule, thereby given the whim of the majority of the people, so shall laws be enacted. This also means social justice, social agreement, social good. and that the one man one vote given above 50% should rule the land. The trouble is that this does not take into account that many can be influenced on the whim, or on the long run with repeated information (true or not) and therefore many can be made to drink the "cool aid" quite easily.
In contrast I believe there are many Libertarian thinkers in the Republican Party that believe that government should stay out of private business and should be minimized. Coupled with the Republicans who believe in representative government which means a governing body that represents the way it's voters think thereby giving the governing body several ways to ponder an issue before it comes to writing law. This is a more diverse group therefore less easily corralled into thinking alike.
One can see by these definitions why the anarchists, fascists, communists, prefer a group of social thinkers to infiltrate with their ideas. Hence the Socialists infiltrated the Democrats and used them to weaken the USA to the point where the real Democrats themselves felt lost and unwelcome within their own party and were soon pushed out. It didn't happen overnight it happened slowly, methodically, through education and propaganda. Like a disease that does it's worst underneath the skin for a long time before it's detected and by that time it's diagnosed, it has done it's worst and to most it feels so natural that they do not realise the danger of it's mutation.
It's such mutations that allow neighbor to turn in neighbor, colleague tell on colleague, friend distrust friend and society to fragment. Normalization comes with syrupy promises and favouritism doled out to those that do fascism's bidding; not realizing that we are all losers in this game and the winners are yet to show their true identities.
Our forefathers knew that balance was needed and therefore could not support a one party system. It is a fine balance and one that needs to be preserved yet we are faced with the possibility of a one party rule; and it will rule in all situations for this next presidential term. Something that our forefathers feared and, those of us who know from experience what it can mean, dread. But don't believe just me, believe those that have lived it then ask yourself, who do you wish this upon?
Your children??? Naivete is funny in the movies but not in real life. Please pass this on.
Thanks for Reading!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Mirror to the Future
The following passage was written in The Rise of Adolph Hitler : Great Depression Begins and can be found in "The History Place" (tm) and online presentation of history founded, owned and published by Philip Gavin since July 4th, 1996. I find it the best and most comprehensive writing of facts without embellishment or favoritism.
He writes:
"When the stock market collapsed on Wall Street on Tuesday, October 29, 1929, it sent financial markets worldwide into a tailspin with disastrous effects."
"The German economy was especially vulnerable since it was built out of foreign capital, mostly loans from America and was very dependent on foreign trade. When those loans suddenly came due and when the world market for German exports dried up, the well oiled German industrial machine quickly ground to a halt. "
"As production levels fell, German workers were laid off. Along with this, banks failed throughout Germany. Savings accounts, the result of years of hard work, were instantly wiped out. Inflation soon followed making it hard for families to purchase expensive necessities with devalued money. "
"Overnight, the middle class standard of living so many German families enjoyed was ruined by events outside of Germany, beyond their control. The Great Depression began and they were cast into poverty and deep misery and began looking for a solution, any solution. "
Adolf Hitler knew his opportunity had arrived."
Continued, in the second passage titled : Germans Elect Nazis
- "Adolf Hitler and the Nazis waged a modern whirlwind campaign in 1930 unlike anything ever seen in Germany."
Obama's campaign has been nothing but extra ordinary with the record amount of funds spent and collected.
- "Joseph Goebbels brilliantly organized thousands of meetings, torchlight parades, plastered posters everywhere and printed millions of copies of special editions of Nazi newspapers."
Who can forget the Greek columns, the record attendees at speeches, and the use of the Internet as well as the media in Obama's pocket?
- "For Hitler, the master speech maker, the long awaited opportunity to let loose his talents on the German people had arrived. He would find in this downtrodden people, an audience very willing to listen. In his speeches, Hitler offered the Germans what they needed most, encouragement. He gave them heaps of vague promises while avoiding the details. He used simple catchphrases, repeated over and over. "
Master speeches, honeyed words making vague promises of change and hope, refunds and reparations, "something for everyone" has been the only message from the Obama campaign.
- His campaign appearances were carefully staged events. Audiences were always kept waiting, deliberately letting the tension increase ... theatrical style lighting and decorations of swastikas was overwhelming and very catching.
Obama has his own logo and today, Obama will have an unprecedented 30minute television speech paid for by his campaign TODAY, Oct 29, 2008..... can you hear the chants yet?
- "All of the Nazis, from Hitler, down to the leader of the smallest city block, worked tirelessly, relentlessly, to pound their message into the minds of the Germans."
- "On election day September 14, 1930, the Nazis received 6,371,000 votes, over eighteen percent of the total, and were thus entitled to 107 seats in the German Reichstag. It was a stunning victory for Hitler. Overnight, the Nazi party went from the smallest to the second largest party in Germany"
- On October 13, 1930, dressed in their brown shirts, the elected Nazi deputies marched in unison into the Reichstag and took their seats. When the roll call was taken, each one shouted, "Present! Heil Hitler!"
Obama voted "Present" many times. (I know, cheap comparison, but true nonetheless)
- "They had no intention of cooperating with the democratic government, knowing it was to their advantage to let things get worse in Germany, thus increasing the appeal of Hitler to an ever more miserable people. Now, for the floundering German democracy, the clock was ticking and time was on Hitler's side.
Well I wish to go no further. Yet I have to also bring into your consideration Obama's friends or (non-friends) that he has over the past 20 or so years been associating with; specifically Ayers. Although a Marxist/Communist it makes no real difference when it's totalitarianism that we are faced with because they all fit the definition.
In a recent radio interview on KSFO with Barbara Simpson, I heard the former undercover FBI agent, Larry Grathwohl, from the Weather Underground, recount and play a taped discussion among the members and with Ayers. The discussion was about the agenda that they would have to enact once they have taken over the control of our government. Included in the agenda, aside from the usual communist tactics of education, indoctrination was the discussion that the people who are highly educated and those who are die hard capitalists will be the most difficult and most likely give resistance therefore, they'd have to be eliminated. They expected that about 28 million Americans would have to be killed in order for the total capitulation to be a success.
So let's see: Nazis, 30 mil, Soviet Union only estimates available (they kept lousy records) but upwards to 200 million, Red China unknown but most likely 200 million, and counting, Cuba numbers unknown; is it our turn? Now do you see the similarity to the Nazi's, Soviets, and Red Chinese, Castro's Cuba, Chavez Venezuela? Totalitarianism is their motive and you must consider the fact that Obama has yet to denounce them or his associating with them, during his campaign which should shed a lot suspicion about his motives and question his true agenda for America.
Thanks for Reading
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Choices Memorandum: 1956 Okt. 23
The population of this great nation, for whatever the reason, seems to have turned away from those that have lived through dark ages before; ignoring warnings from our forefathers that if we don't preserve what they have given and fought for, what we will get, will be deserved. Why so many wish to choose tyranny now is beyond my comprehension; why so many wish not to learn from those who lived it is only foolishness of non-experience that will have long term consequences for our children.
If evidence is needed that the current path of choice is not wise, we only need to count the number of people who have successfully escaped from those tyrannies and count those that are so very grateful to have had the opportunity to live on this soil in North America. We don't even need to go back to the beginnings of this nation, but you should, in order to be reeling from the enormity of their suffering from which they escaped. This nation was formed by escapees of one tyranny or another and those that successfully arrived here felt blessed and were thankful and knew that they were the lucky ones; countless more died in the fight to leave tyrannies and countless died rather than continue their lives under those regimes.
In contrast I do not know a single person who can say that about the USA; even those that wish for and believe in anarchism, fascism, socialism, communism or the like. Yet they want for the rest of us to believe like they do, instead of believing in the right of self-rule that our forefathers gave us. I'll never understand why they don't emigrate to one of those nations they espouse and wish for us to become. Wouldn't it be simpler? After all, my family escaped from there and emigrated here. So why not vice-versa?
In my opinion , if you are one that thinks this nation to be faulty and needs "change" and "hope" you are on the side of tyranny. I also think the people of this nation need waking up and until they do please do not change a single thing, because the change and hope you wish for happened 232 years ago and no more needs to be done to it except the guarding and preservation of its beacon of freedom.
It is my belief that without this nation of ours, breaking away from tyrannies will become much harder for people like my family. The people of this nation who have known its beautiful history sacrificed and gave to those that did not have the same opportunities. Many are doing it today in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as long forgotten Bosnia, Albania, South Korea. Many are voluntarly teaching, working, helping in the most impoverished nations around the world. Many have given their lives for others in Europe and Asia and would do it still despite the criticisms, because many of us still remember and know how fortunate we are.
I thank our forefathers of my adopted Country, I thank those hundreds that have directly aided me, I thank those thousands of Americans that spoke up against tyrannies in the world and I thank those that fought for my freedom against Soviet tyranny starting this day in Hungary 52 years ago.
Please let's not have a need to repeat it.
PS. A friend sent this link with an eloquent message
. Thanks for reading and listening