Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Future You Wanted?

I have news for you. The whole idea behind the persecution and the proposed (pushed) prosecution of former legal advisers and leaders of the Bush administration is to stop people from enrolling in such time honored activities as espionage leading to the defense of our freedoms and safety.

Let me expand: by being totally "open" to the world, in other words by revealing our secrets to the world, it leaves open the door of not only the prosecution of our servicemen and servicewomen in the CIA, FBI and other armed services, but also the hatred, the persecution and safety of their existence. It is the calculated way of bringing down anyone who may be doing their job to leave the service for fear of their livelihood if not their very lives. The ones that will replace them will be the "yes" men/women whose job will be in name only. The supposed safety they'll protect will be the safety of the government carrying out our takeover to the fullest measure.

If you think we'll have another honest election in the USA according to the rules of the Constitution, think again. In writing the "Whoever Controls the Media" I pointed out that the Internet is the next media to conquer which has already been conquered to a large extent by this administration with Google on their side, it will be easier. Yes, Google the gathering media that will have any secrets recorded and will happily pass it on to the government agencies that ask, just like they did in China. They refused to reveal child pornographers and molesters during the Bush administration, but when it came to protecting the rights of people in China they folded and turned over information on people that were inquiring and inquisitive about Democracy and the ways of the Republic. Will they do it if Pres. Obama asks? Remember they endorsed Pres. Obama, sit and sat on his advisory board so they know the agenda.

If you really believe that they will not control you by 2010 election time, you better consider all Senate Bill 773 and all the other restrictive parenting bills being pushed fast and furious to turn this country fast to being fully Socialized. I honestly don't believe there's enough time to stop it because the people have elected a virtual monopoly government and they are succeeding in cutting out the other side of all relevant discussions. The current Health Care Bill is the perfect example of this being ram shod into law without due process of the opinion of opposition, nor of people being able to debate its merits and flaws. Nay, without people deciding whether they want it! This power grabbing, people controlling legislation is only the beginning

There's no leadership currently from any front willing to take on this task here and abroad and therefore, we'll go down silently into dust. The only person speaking up is Vaclav Klaus the President of the Czech Republic who they dismiss for being from a small country and because his agenda is the opposite side of this world sweeping move toward oppression. Hear his speech a couple of years back....

Those who lived it, experienced it, lived through it know nothing yet those who write and theorize about how well it will be done this time know everything, according to the media and even according to the current leadership of the European Union. What is said is dismissed totally yet proven correct within minutes in the same Parliament. Read and hear this and tell me our government isn't doing the same as Vaclav Klaus warns.

If you ever wonder how what happened under Hitler could have happened under the noses of honest, caring citizens, you are living it now.. this is how:

  • You believe the way to peace is by being "brought together" under one leader and belief
  • You think the Man should be given a chance.. even after he has proven himself treasonous by revealing secrets to the enemy. Yes, we are still at war with the Taliban!
  • You think what is happening is the result of Bush therefore it will play out to normal after he corrects all the wrongs Bush has done. Blame someone else for our woes syndrome.
  • You think what the man does is weird but OK because he has a right to his opinion. Therefore it's OK that he embraces the likes and ideas of the Weather Underground, Rev Wright, Chavez, idealizes Castro, bows to the Saudi King; yet snubs our ally the Brits by returning Churchill's bust (a gift to the White House not to him).
  • You let him slide on his promises .. especially the one about being able to examine each bill he signs before he signs it to let your voices be heard. Even those who wrote the bills don't have time to read it. Have you spoken up? Has President Obama, Senator Reid or Speaker Pelosi asked for or listened to any opinions?
  • You think you have time
  • You think you have time until the next election.
  • You think you have time....until they knock on your door and silently lead you away to a re-education center; that's when you discover that the CIA, FBI and the Armed Services have turned on their own people and now you are considered the enemy for the reason that you were brought up knowing the original Constitution of the United States of America.
You think I'm too dramatic? Well, maybe. In "Biting the Hand That Feeds" I point out that once control is given, the government does not ask for permission again. It has been proven time and again: just look at the Taxation system, Social Security system, Educational system... etc etc etc. I am sad and angry and have been seeing the steady deterioration for well over a decade. You may think it was in my crystal ball or you can finally hear us: that those who lived it, just know.

Thanks for Reading
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Thursday, April 23, 2009

Whoever Controls the Media

Most of you know as a matter of fact if you studied any history of war, that those who control the media control the nation. Media control was used by everyone during modern day wars as the way to convince a people to any takeover, leadership or control. It's no accident that many coups were actually delivered and done over the radio waves.

Radio as means of communication was masterfully used by Hitler, Churchill and FDR. When the main stream changed to Television, it was mastered by new leaders beginning with JFK, and used well indeed by Reagan. But the difference is that no head of state of central government controlled the media in the USA. Media control in the countries under such leaders as Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Castro and now Chavez has never been experienced here in the USA.....until now.

Those of you who have enjoyed free speech, free media and take it as a matter of course in the USA do not know nor would you recognize if it slowly subtlety changed. But those of us coming from the other side recognize the changes almost immediately. It has been slow and creeping over many years, but now it's obviously controlled and if you listen to more than one source you can still hear the discrepancies, omissions and downright lies as they become more and more daring and predominant.

One of the most obvious clues is when politicians make outrageous and obvious lies yet the media lets it lie. (Pun intended) Other ways you'll notice it when there are obvious omissions of news and the most blatant is when previous news is altered. Another way is when you notice how easily the media dismisses a counter argument to a point, if they air it at all. Recent example is the dismissing of VP Cheney's knowledge about who were briefed about the handling and questioning of captured terrorists, and what results were derived by the Congressional approved torture techniques. The former VP would know more about the subject because he was there than those that were given more media time.

Now we reached and reaching another plateau; one that is the most obvious and most masterful. There's no dispute about President Obama's masterful use of the "new" media: the Internet and specifically social networking during his campaign. Now however he's working overtime to control the rest of the media while others of his circle are fast working on controlling Cyberspace. Witness the recently introduced Senate Bill 773 the Cybernet Security Act of 2009. It is nothing but the most blatant danger to our freedom of speech, freedom of thought and privacy.

This Senate Bill is being pushed to be passed quickly and implemented in a year. Please read it and please do work to stop it. It creates a "Cyber Police" bureaucracy under the guise that we need it to protect our infrastructure but it goes far beyond that. It will allow regulation, unlawful spying and give power to shut down all or parts of the Internet on a moments notice on top of which it creates a neighborhood Cyberspace watch program.

You may wonder why such hurry to implement something so invasive and you need not look far. 2010 is touted to be one of the most important midterm elections for the Senate and House the control of the Internet could play a large role in distribution and availability of information on all candidates as they become more savvy in the usage of it. Remembering that this truth is not lost on the President nor should it be lost on you:


The Cybernet IS the new media!

Thanks for reading.
Please share with others.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Captain Phillips Who Should You Thank?

Read it through and weep for the Navy Seals
True heroes as they are, they never receive credit.
Yet put again in harms way more dangerous than need be,
And ruled by a man in the White House, who we should all question his loyalty.
